
Stabilized Neural Differential Equations for Learning Dynamics with Explicit Constraints

Alistair White, Niki Kilbertus, Maximilian Gelbrecht, Niklas Boers

Published in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2023

Many successful methods to learn dynamical systems from data have recently been introduced. However, ensuring that the inferred dynamics preserve known constraints, such as conservation laws or restrictions on the allowed system states, remains challenging. We propose stabilized neural differential equations (SNDEs), a method to enforce arbitrary manifold constraints for neural differential equations… Read more

Differentiable Programming for Earth System Modeling

Maximilian Gelbrecht, Alistair White, Sebastian Bathiany, Niklas Boers

Published in Geoscientific Model Development, 2023

Earth system models (ESMs) are the primary tools for investigating future Earth system states at timescales from decades to centuries, especially in response to anthropogenic greenhouse gas release. State-of-the-art ESMs can reproduce the observational global mean temperature anomalies of the last 150 years. Nevertheless, ESMs need further improvements, most importantly regarding (i) the large spread in their estimates of climate sensitivity, i.e., the temperature response to increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases; (ii) the modeled spatial patterns of key variables such as temperature and precipitation; (iii) their representation of extreme weather events; and (iv) their representation of multistable Earth system components and the ability to predict associated abrupt transitions. Here, we argue that making ESMs automatically differentiable has a huge potential to advance ESMs… Read more